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The game rewards people who play every day by giving them a daily gift. I'm not quite sure what it is about it, but Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is addicting. People may make comments if you wear the same things but they'll still hang out with you, and that's what matters.
Have you found better ways of using energy or stars that help you progress faster? Kim Kardashian: Hollywood is a free-to-play mobile game, but you can progress through the game faster by making in-app purchases. Cassio has never had a stable relationship in his life!
Kim Kardashian: Hollywood Answers for iPhone - iPad - Technically, she didn't ask me, but this is her game, after all.
You have to give them creators time to update. You can just not play until the next main storyline and fan count to rise. As for Cassio, join the rest of his fan club lol but I don't know if they'll ever let us date and marry him. Cassio is just an ongoing conversation, every few days there's a new topic about him Ahh, I want to make this the official Cassio thread. Anything about our man of Mystery. They'll never let us date him, because he has to be the slow burning story of soul mate loves, always dancing close to the fire.... The third unmarried doll was forced into bringing a date, and that time Cassio danced with us but said nothing to draw out the relationship. I feel your pain. The creators are going to keep bringing us closer and closer and closer, and he will be the ever illusive. He will probably be all set to pop the question, brings us to Napa all decked out, and then we get a message delivered, that he has been called away, doesn't know what the future holds and we should go on with out lives without him. However, Lighting a cigarette the road to Napa will probably be a super fun one. Oh, and if you're a guy... If you're a guy dating girls, is it one way, but different for guys dating guys? And what about girls dating girls? Puhlease, let's make this the place to fawn over him, Or bash him. We need some Cassio Pictures. I wish I can play as a man in this game. So many girls here that I feel like I'm missing out on the guys storyline though I can tell whether you pick a guy or a girl the game play is almost exactly alike P. The black hair doesn't suit him as much. I wonder why they changed it What? I wish I can play as a man in this game. So many girls here that I feel like I'm missing out on the guys storyline though I can tell whether you pick a guy or a girl the game play is almost exactly alike P. The black hair doesn't suit him as much. I wonder why they changed it I play as a guy and a girl on 2 different devices, and I can say there is basically no difference in the storylines. Same Cassio storylines, Willow and Dirk say identical, if not, same things, same jobs, etc. And I think they changed Cassio's hair because he looks too similar to Fabio, maybe? We've had this Everything Cassio thread for a day now? Sigh, well I don't want to make any of you feel bad, but I took screenshots of Cassio get real up close and personal with Apple P. Let me get them off my Dream Board. I know I'm not the only one who captured the magic moments in pixels. We've had this Everything Cassio thread for a day now? Sigh, well I don't want to make any of you feel bad, but I took screenshots of Cassio get real up close and personal with Apple P. Let me get them off my Dream Board. I know I'm not the only one who captured the magic moments in pixels. Crying rn cause I never thought to take a screenshot of him I feel like Glu is keeping us hanging with Cassio so we will never stop playing the game Glu needs to give him his brown hair back. The black hair is just meh Other Cassio threads merge them perhaps... Mine switched his hair the other way, when I first met him his hair was black and now when I deal with him he's got brown hair. I love the flirtation with him and the story lines, but I actually think my husband is cuter.. Even though his name is Cletus. Cassio has a better name... But Cletus is cuter. I slept with him in the first quest which is more than happened with my husband, no wonder we will have to adopt , then when I saw him again he was drooling over that Indian actress and I was wearing my best dress, now he was finally in the mood to socialize with me again, asked me to design his collection, modeled it, invited me to the party and my jealous husband ruined everything. Who knows when we'll see each other again. I slept with him in the first quest which is more than happened with my husband, no wonder we will have to adopt , then when I saw him again he was drooling over that Indian actress and I was wearing my best dress, now he was finally in the mood to socialize with me again, asked me to design his collection, modeled it, invited me to the party and my jealous husband ruined everything. Who knows when we'll see each other again. You can sleep with Cassio now? Ok I might have to change my stance on him. Can someone just merge all Cassio threads with this one. Thanks for the suggestion, but it's not feasible nor necessary. And there is no purpose in searching threads over a month old, and suggest I spend time cleaning them up. Merging threads that have been active in the same time, throws posts in chronologically and that doesn't always work. Merging with threads that are buried due to inactivity is just a waste of time. And kills any link references to that thread, once it's merged. ETA: I'm closing this, threads can't be merged without creating Thread Salad Surgery because timelines overlap. Please go to the Cassio thread.
Kim Kardashian Hollywood new update
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